Voucher management
The voucher management is the heart of e-guma. There’s a lot going on here: All relevant information about your voucher orders is collected centrally in the administration. The search mask allows you to quickly find the voucher you are looking for and to request all details about it anywhere and anytime. Which payment method is stored? How much is the remaining credit? When does the voucher expire? Has the voucher already been redeemed? You can also adjust the voucher text, the payment method or the expiry date yourself at any time.
These are the key features of our heart
- Extensive search mask
- Overview page with status information: not paid, ready for dispatch, redeemable, redeemed
- Detailed view per voucher with detailed order information
- Voucher history, when which action was performed by which user
- Make order changes yourself at any time
- Download and print vouchers, receipts and invoices
- Delete vouchers and automatically refund
- Unlimited number of user accounts with individual rights

You have the accounting of your vouchers under control. Not the other way around. e-guma supports you with comprehensive reports for correct accounting and optimal control. Your finance team will be delighted.
The accounting tools
- Daily and monthly redemption/sales reports with filter options
- Automatic sending of reports to desired e-mail addresses
- Monthly voucher archive with identification of the voucher balance
- Audit-compliant annual accounts at the push of a button
- Write off expired vouchers

e-guma is the ideal solution for our accounting department. Our voucher sales also increased immediately.